Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Odds & Ends

Although the air is a bit chilly and damp, June is right around the corner!  The next few weeks are going to be quite busy for us here in CC3, so we are sending along some updates and reminders for you. 

Fidget Spinners
Fidget spinners seem to be the cool new thing that students are bringing to school.  We ask that students keep them in their backpacks during learning time unless we hear directly from you that it is a tool that your son/daughter needs to support their learning.  We are finding they are distracting to not only the student using it, but to their peers.  Thank you for your understanding.

We are concluding the year with a unit on fractions.  We have divided shapes and number lines into equal parts and have labeled the fractions.  Students are plotting fractions on number lines and are investigating fraction equivalencies such as 4/8 = 1/2.  We investigated how fractions connect to money and time as well.  We will be continuing to investigate fractions focusing on fractions of sets and comparisons.

We are also using all of our place value knowledge from this year to add and subtract with regrouping.  You may remember calling this borrowing and carrying.  Students are using their knowledge of number names such as ten hundreds is the same as one thousand, and ten tens is the same as one hundred etc, to add and subtract across numbers.  

We are also using all of our new multiplication knowledge (up to 10 X 10) to extend our thinking to two-digit by one-digit multiplication problems.  For example:

                   70        If you know 7 X 3 = 21 (ones), then you know 70 X 3 = 210 (21 tens).
               X   3

We are also beginning to investigate problems such as:

                  87        7 X 5 = 35    and     80 X 5 = 400     so        35 + 400 = 435
              X   5                                                                 

As you can see, we are putting together the concepts and skills we have learned this year and are extending it to more complex problems.  Work such as this uses the foundational skills of addition, subtraction, and multiplication.  Some students are finding that they know how to do the problem, but are struggling with their basic facts.  It is important that all students are fluent with addition, subtraction, and multiplication facts.  This would be a perfect area of math to strengthen over the summer.

Science/Social Studies

We are having a great time learning about the human body during science.  Last week we spent time investigating the skeletal system.  Ask your son or daughter about our friend, Mr. Bones and what they have learned.  Today we began to investigate how muscles and bones work together.  We learned about the three types of muscle tissue:  skeletal, smooth, and cardiac.  We also investigated what muscles are voluntary and involuntary.

We are also having a blast learning about East Montpelier.  Last week we had Clara Ayer and John Hall from Fairmont Farm visit and teach us about the history of the farm, what it looks like today, and what might the future hold for dairy farming in East Montpelier.  This week we will be visited by Tom Morse from Morse Sugar Farm.  We will also welcome a panel of people to teach us about schools, past, present, and future.

Some dates to know:

6/8   EMES play, Peter Pan- evening performance.

6/14  Third Grade Field Trip:  East Montpelier Scavenger Hunt (permission slip coming home soon!)

6/14   EMES Open House to wish Ms. Holmes-Heiss, Ms. Knoedler, Mr. Quackenbush, and Mr. Bob           Misenberger a wonderful retirement.

6/15   EMES Technology Night 6:00pm-7:15pm  Third graders will have projects on display!

6/16   EMES Field Day (Details to come about team color, sunscreen, and water bottles)

6/19   EMES 6th Grade Graduation 6:00pm

6/20  Last day for students, dismissal at 12:30pm.
        * Report cards will be mailed home.

Friday, May 26, 2017

It's Time for Summer Book Bags!

It's time to gear up for the EMES Summer Reading Book Bag!  Below is a copy of the form that went home with students in Friday Folders today!  Please be sure to return forms next Tuesday, the 30th of May!  We're so proud of all the progress our readers have made this year, we need to make sure that they keep reading this summer and the book bag is a great way to do that!  Please sign up your student!

Dear EMES Families, 
Someday soon the rain will stop, the sun will shine, and readers will be reading outside! We are pleased to announce the return of the summer reading program for EMES students. EMES students (who will be entering K through 6th grade next year) will be allowed and encouraged to check out up to  five books from the EMES library for summer reading. 

Here’s the plan: 
1. All library materials borrowed during the school year need to be back in the library before anything is checked out for the summer. 

2. Students will pick out 5 books from our library that they want to take home for the summer. 

3. Prior to checking out summer reading, students will need a parent/guardian signature on the summer reading form agreeing to pay the replacement cost of lost or damaged materials. 

4. Books and bookbags need to be returned on the  first day of school. 

5. Bookbags will include a summer reading log, information about reading incentive programs from other organizations in VT, and additional information about library and reading resources for your family. 

6. Please send in photos of your EMES readers in action this summer. We hope you have a summer full of fun, sunshine, and good books!

Arlyn Bruccoli & Jane Badger

 I, __________________________________________, 

parent/guardian of ____________________________________________ 

agree to pay the replacement cost for lost or badly damaged books checked out from the EMES library for the summer. ● Replacement costs will not exceed $25 per family. ● Replacement cost of hardcover books is usually between $10 and $20. Paperback books are roughly $5. ● Replacement cost for canvas bag is $1.25 Please return this form by May 30, 2017

Friday, May 19, 2017

Fractions at Home!

Next week's sharing is "Fractions at Home".  Students need to find four items at home that represent fractions.  They can either draw a picture of the items or actually bring them in. Some examples might be: apples cut into equal parts, window panes, bureau drawers, butter sticks, etc.  Students have discussed this in math class several times, so they should be clear on what is expected.  We're looking forward to seeing a variety of fraction ideas.  Students need to make sure to also write the fraction that is represented.  If you have any questions, please email cchristiano@u32.org.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

News Filming!

On Monday afternoon, May 22nd we'll be filming an exciting WCC3 News Program!  This is the culminating event for our opinion writing unit.  Students have expressed an interest in "dressing" their parts as reporters.  They've been talking about wearing jackets, ties, dresses, etc.  So we just wanted to give you a heads up about that!  Students are welcome to bring "fancier" clothes in if they would like.  We will be filming in the afternoon during our literacy time, so changing after recess might be the best idea.  Please email kchristy@u32.org if you have any questions about our filming. We hope to eventually put the link for the video on our blog page, we'll have to see how it all works out first!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Walking Field Trip TOMORROW!

Tomorrow morning we're heading for a walk to the first East Montpelier settlement site.  We'll be heading out after our morning assembly, around 9:45.  Students need to remember to wear long pants and good walking shoes.  They can bring shorts for later in the day, but we're trying to be tick safe and responsible.  Thanks so much!

Monday, May 8, 2017

Important Information for You!

Placement Forms for the 2017-2018 school year were sent home today with each student in CC3.  Please make sure you fill the form out and return it no later than this Friday, May 12th.  Thank you!

This week we will have music class on both Thursday & Friday to prepare for our upcoming concert.  Students NEED to bring their recorders and music folders to school BOTH DAYS.  If you have not already, mark your calendars for next Thursday, May 18th.  The K-3 Concert will begin at 1:45pm.  

May book orders are due online or in paper form, no later than this Friday, May 12th.

We have seen an increase in the number of students that are forgetting to prepare/present on their share day.  In third grade, the only homework we give students is to be prepared to share on their share day and bring back their blue Friday Folders early each week.  At the beginning of each month we review the sharing calendar with students, present examples, hand out materials they may need, and address any questions or comments.  Students are given ample time to prepare their share.  We also encourage students to bring in their share items (assignments) early if that would help.  We can store papers/objects safely until their share day.  Please help your son or daughter be prepared to complete these assignments on time for the remainder of the year.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Lego Robotics and Upcoming Events!

Technology classes have been very exciting the past few weeks!  Students have been working in teams to create Lego robots!  These robots have then been put to the test in regard to the amount of weight they can pull.  Students have been working on testing different wheels and surfaces.  Student engineers have made predictions, collected data, analyzed results, modified models, retested and reflected in learning logs.  Ms. Arlyn's enthusiasm and expertise with Lego technology is an incredible asset to EMES!  Next week, students will do a final design and test their robots against each other in a robotic tug-of-war.  Please ask your child to tell you about our Lego Robotics classes!

East Montpelier Unit
Next week, we'll launch an important social studies/literacy unit of study about East Montpelier.  The unit is titled:  East Montpelier~Past, Present, Future.  During the next few weeks we'll have guest speakers in to teach us about the history of East Montpelier, it's present day status and hopes and dreams for the future.  This is a really fun unit as students learn more and more about what makes their town so special.  

In the past, we've done a fun field trip at the end, which is a tour around town to visit some of the historic, as well as current landmark sites.  We're thinking we'd like to do this again, most likely during the week of June 12th.  Before undertaking the massive planning that this trip requires, we need to know that we'll have parent drivers and chaperones.  In order to DRIVE on this trip, you need a Level II clearance with the EMES office.  In order to CHAPERONE you need a Level I clearance. IF you submit your paper work immediately (next week at the latest) you should still be able to get  through the process.  (Jane in the office is your go to gal!) Please let us know ASAP if you will be able to drive for this trip!  We can't make plans if we don't have enough drivers and chaperones. Thanks!

Music Concert
EMES K-3 Spring Concert
May 18th, 2017
1:45 pm, in the EMES gym

Performances by K-3 students and the EMES Chorus   
3rd graders will be playing their recorders at this concert!
Friends and family welcome!