We're spending the bulk of this week getting to know one another and developing our classroom expectations, agreements and routines. Just a reminder, Mrs. Christiano is the lead 3rd grade teacher in the morning, Mrs. Christy in the afternoon. Yesterday, we introduced students to the major theme of CC-3, which is KINDNESS. Throughout every day we are all striving to be kind, caring and thoughtful toward ourselves, our classmates and the world. We read the book Each Kindness by Jacqueline Woodson to get us started. Please ask your child to tell you about the book.

Here are a few more tidbits for the week!
- Yesterday every child brought home his/her burgundy colored "Friday Folder". In the folder were important start of the year forms for families to fill out. If you can get them back to us by Friday that would be terrific! All the forms are important, but one in particular is the "Acceptable Use Form" in regard to using computers and technology while here at school. Our technology classes will begin next Thursday.
- Today, your child is bringing home a GREEN blog permission form. This will let us know your preferences when it comes to posting images, student work, etc. on this blog. Please return it as soon as possible.
- Open toed shoes are worrisome on the playground, PE and actually even in our classroom. We encourage you to have your child wear closed toed shoes for school days. As much as we all hate to give up our flipflops, they are a real danger at school.
- Our homework philosophy, expectations and first homework assignment will go home with students tomorrow, Wednesday, August 30th. Here is the link to our CC-3 Homework Philosophy if you'd like a sneak peek.
- Here is another link to our CC-3 Schedule. As you can see each day and week are very busy. If you can avoid appointments, etc. during the school day that would be appreciated. Also, late arrivals or early dismissals are challenging for both students and teachers. Every minute we have with your kids is precious and important!
- If you require a paper copy of this blog please let us know, otherwise we will assume you will follow us and know what is happening in CC-3 via electronics.
Thanks again for all your support and help. We're off to a great start!
Christine & Kathy