Monday, November 21, 2016

Winter Gear and Storage!

Hi Families,
Well, it looks like winter weather is truly here!  Today we were trying to help students hang up everything in their lockers/cubbies after recess.  There is one locker available per student for storing all their gear! Organization is always a bit tricky, but we're up to the challenge!
Image result for winter clothes for kids
Basically, your child needs:  one pair of boots, one pair of snowpants, one jacket, a warm hat and mittens/gloves as well as indoor shoes for each day.  Extra socks or pants can be helpful for really wet days. If you can help your child decide what he/she really needs here at EMES, that would be great as some kids had multiple boots, shoes, etc. that there is just not space for.  We know this transition to winter always takes a bit of time for all of us, but any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated!

In other news, we are always grateful that many families think of teachers around the holidays with thoughtful gifts, this is certainly not expected nor necessary.  We truly appreciate kind gestures. However, in conjunction with our year long theme of kindness, if you were thinking of a teacher gift, we would like to request a different option.  If you'd like to donate to our Chex Mix project in lieu of teacher gifts that would be a wonderful gesture and one we'd greatly appreciate.

We wish all of  our students and their families a wonderful Thanksgiving break! We hope you'll be able to spend it with family and friends, safe travels to those of you who will be venturing away from home.

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