Well, the weather has certainly turned and cold air is here! We're at the point when coming to school with multiple clothing options is essential. Please make sure your child is well prepared for outdoor recess each day. Also, leaving a second pair of shoes in lockers is a great idea for all students. As boot season approaches, having indoor shoes for PE is also necessary.
When the weather turns, we inevitably get requests from students to stay in for recess. We believe it is essential for all students to get outside and enjoy fresh air each day. We also do not have any flexibility in our job schedules to accomodate these requests, so please help your child be ready for the outdoors everyday.
Below are some pictures of our
"Author's Chair". This week students are finishing up "polished drafts" of a narrative story they chose to publish. Each student takes time in the Author's Chair to read aloud his/her piece. The audience (other classmates) listen carefully, look at our narrative writing checklist, and make positive comments about what the author did well. This is an important part of our end of unit celebration. We'll be finishing up our narrative writing unit this week with a post assessment. We'll be able to share the results of that assessment as well as other writing progress at parent conferences.
Using the microphone helps author's practice using a presenter's voice. |
Sharing writing allows students to practice their reading fluency. |
It's exciting and rewarding to share a piece that you've worked really hard on! |
It's important to review writing checklists so that you can give specific feedback to the author. |
Sitting in the "Author's Chair" adds more importance to sharing polished pieces! |
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