Thursday, April 13, 2017

Progress Reports, Math and Science Updates

Progress Reports
On Friday, April 14, 2017 your child will be bringing home his/her progress report for the third quarter.  You will find two pages in the envelope.  The first page is one we have created in a larger font that is hopefully an easier to read look at your child's areas of strength and areas of growth.  We designed the form to fit with our overall school goals of reporting "Two stars and a wish" for each child.  Our narratives also support the student lead conferences you attended and ideas we discussed at them.

The second page is the "official" WCSU progress report.  Please make sure to look these over as well. The comments from us are exactly the same, but these reports also include important attendance information and progress notes from Library, Music and PE classes.As always, please don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about the reports.

Earlier this week Spring arrived!  We even had a couple of days when we could open windows and let that warm air in.  We tried to create a little spring in the building with our garden of multiplication flowers on our bulletin board.  We have discovered strategies for N X N facts up to 10 X 10, and now we are going back and really working on using the strategies we have learned to increase our accuracy and fluency.  The facts we have revisited are:  N X 0, N X 1, N X 2, N X 10, and N X 5. This week we've been focusing on N X 9.  Ask your son or daughter how they can find the products with efficiency.

You will be seeing some timed fact tests coming home.  We will be doing these on a more frequent basis in the fourth quarter and students will be graphing their growth over time.  Students have goals to meet.  Student goals are to accurately completing 48 (or more) addition facts in three minutes, 48 (or more) subtraction facts in three minutes, and 27 (or more) multiplication facts in three minutes.

Our class has had a blast experimenting with magnets.  We have discovered that some items are magnetic and some are not, and it depends on what the object is made of.  One of the materials that students discovered that is attracted to magnets is iron, and we FOUND IT IN CEREAL!  Students were able to pull iron out of Total cereal.  Did you know your body needs iron to help your red blood cells carry oxygen to your body?  We'll be wrapping up our magnet study the week after break.
Our best wishes for a great Spring Break with your kids!
Christine & Kathy

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