Friday, February 2, 2018

Math/Science Update

Welcome to Fabulous February!

This month will be another busy one leading right up to winter vacation.  Stay tuned for information throughout the month.


During the past several weeks we  spent math the majority of our time on multiplication.  Students solved and created problems using each of the four models of multiplication.  For example, we solved a problem such as feeding a pet 2 scoops of food on Monday, 2 more scoops on Tuesday, and 2 more scoops on Wednesday using "Repeated Addition".  Repeated Addition is the first model of multiplication we investigated, as it is a great example of equal groups.  We then worked with the model, "Groups Of" with problems like I have 4 bags of cookies for the bake sale, each bag has five cookies.  We added to our knowledge of multiplication models with the "Array Model".  Students solved problems such as, I planted five rows of carrots with three carrots in each row.  Focusing on arrays helped students really understand and use rows and columns.  Finally, we investigated the "Area Model".  We solved area problems that involved land, flooring, and shapes.  Students also found the perimeter of polygons,  and distinguished between area and perimeter.

Throughout our work with the four models of multiplication, students also learned and practiced specific strategies to help them gain accuracy and fluency with multiplication facts.  Ask your son or daughter to tell you about these strategies.

  • N X 1 (It's just one group of that number)
  • N X 0 (No groups of that number)
  • N X 2 (doubles)
  • N X 5 (Use our fives knowledge)
  • N X 10 (We use our place value knowledge)
  • N X 9 (We think 10)
  • N X 4 (Double, Double)

Currently, we have begun counting by the fractions, 1/2, 1/4, 1/6, 1/8 and identifying fractions of wholes.  We will continue to add to our fraction knowledge this month.  Students are also investigating various names for numbers such as 23 tens is 230 and 11 hundreds is 1,100.  Building this flexibility with numbers helps students when they are adding and subtracting larger numbers.


We just wrapped up our unit on processes that shape the earth.  Students investigated weathering, erosion, the rock cycle (igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks), volcanoes (The Ring of Fire), and earthquakes.  Students had a great time building mountains out of sand and trying to prevent or slow erosion from wind and water using rocks and wood.  At the conclusion of this unit, students worked with a partner to design a four-story building that had to withstand an earthquake.  They were given certain constraints such as a limited number of materials (toothpicks and marshmallows) and a limited building time.  After the buildings were designed and built, we tested each building on a foundation of jello!  Some buildings withstood the quake and others did not.  Each team then made modifications to their building using what they learned from their own experience and from observing other teams' buildings.  Many teams discovered that triangles were the strongest shape to build with and a solid base made all the difference.  Students did a great job brainstorming, building, and working collaboratively.

This week we began our weather unit.  Students kicked it off on Monday by starting their data collection.  Each morning we go outside and observe and record the weather focusing on precipitation, wind type, clouds, and temperature.  Students then use their data to write a weather report in their science journals.  During this unit, students will investigate the water cycle, weather and climate in different regions, and will compare their weather findings to other places in the world during the same time period.  This unit is filled with fun investigations.

Please look for the new sharing calendar in today's folder and keep it handy!

Dates to Remember

  • Monday 2/5 - February Book Orders are due.
  • Wednesday 2/14 - Class Valentine Party.  Students are welcome to bring in Valentines to exchange with each other. You will find a class list attached.
  • Thursday 2/15 - I Love East Montpelier Day-Please sign up for the lunch in advance by contacting Susan in the kitchen  The price for adult guests is $6.00 for children it is $3.75
    • Lunch times are:  If you'd like to have your whole family eat together, and they are in different grades, we can work that out. 
                                11:15-11:50  PreK-K
                                11:50-12:25 Grades 1-3
                                12:25-1:00   Grades 4-6
  • Celebration of Learning ~This annual celebration will take place on Thursday, February 22nd, 5:30-7:00 p.m. Please plan on joining us!
  • 2/24-3/5  Winter Vacation~ We will return on Wednesday, March 6th.

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