We are incredibly proud of all of our students and the effort they put forth the past two weeks in regard to SBAC testing. As third graders, this has been their first venture into this type of assessment and they clearly rose to the occasion. Students worked hard, stayed focused, persevered and remained optimistic. WELL DONE CC3! For the most part students are all done! A few students need to make-up due to illness. That will happen with Ms. Arlyn on Monday.
Speaking of illness, we've been hit with a variety of illnesses this week, mostly colds and fevers, but we also know a stomach bug has been around. We're trying to be diligent about hand washing and cleaning surfaces so that hopefully everyone is healthy or feeling better quickly. Thank you for keeping your kids with questionable health home.
East Montpelier Study
We're excited to launch our study of the town of East Montpelier~Past, Present, Future, next week. We'll be learning about the town's history, landmarks, settlers, current landscape, and even take a glimpse into the future. We will have a variety of guest speakers coming in during the next two weeks. Our launch will take place next Tuesday, when Michael Duane an East Montpelier resident and member of the East Montpelier Historical Society will share with us how East Montpelier came to be, the history behind the separation from Montpelier, and a bit about the first settlers. Part of his visit will include a walk down Dodge Road, onto the East Montpelier Trail system, to see the site that was the original homestead of East Montpelier's first family. We will postpone the trip only if the weather is really too rainy, a drizzle won't stop us. Please return the walking field trip permission slip we've sent home in your child's Friday folder on Monday.
We're excited to be working with Ms. Arlyn and Mike Leonard (Mrs. Christy's nephew) from the Vermont Folklife Center out of Middlebury, Vermont on an exciting part of this study. Students will be learning how storytelling helps us learn history. They will also learn how to generate interview questions and conduct interviews of our guests. Third graders will be interviewing our guest speakers using a "green screen". Once the interviews are complete, photos of East Montpelier sites will be embedded onto the "green screen" and a video of the whole project will be created with the help of the 5th grade tech club! We're very excited about the component pieces of this project and look forward to a fabulous end result that we will be able to share with all of you!
Our literacy classes have been filled with the study of character. We've been reading books that have us look closely at characters and think about their traits, actions and patterns of behavior. We're getting to know a lot interesting folks from our mentor text, Because of Winn Dixie as well books like The Chocolate Touch, Fudgemania, Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Miracles on Maple Hill, The Prince of the Pond, The Ramona series, etc. Ask your child what he/she is reading.
We're also having a lot of fun writing our own versions of fairy tales. These stories also involve thinking about characters. Students have some pieces that are "noodlehead" stories, many are "fractured tales" of familiar tales. Students had a choice to work in partnerships or individually on these stories. Ask your child to tell you about their writing.
- Permission slips for participating in the EMES Summer Book Bag program are due back by June 1st.
- Our last book orders are going home in folders today. They need to be returned by Monday, May 21st.
- The school store will be open for the last time this year, next Friday, May 18th.
Happy Mother's Day to all our wonderful CC3 moms. Thank you for sharing your kids with us! Enjoy the weekend!
Christine & Kathy

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